Monday, October 17, 2016

Weekly Update

Last week we started our new writing unit on essays!  In Essay Boot Camp, we found out what an essay is and what the format looks like.  Students chose an essay topic and filled out a graphic organizer to organize their ideas.  They have a thesis and 3 supporting reasons with 3 examples each!  Then, students were able to freewrite on their topic!  Personal essay topics include sports, holidays, friends and family members, pets, and a favorite book. This week we are mining our writing to find good ideas and ah-ha moments!  The next Spelling Test will be Friday, October 28th. 

Last week we also started our new reading unit!  We have been reading nonfiction texts as part of our independent reading during class.  This reading includes news stories and articles, blogs and other websites, textbooks, and even the class schedule and lunch menu!  We will discuss text structures and text features in this unit.  We are also continuing in our new read aloud titled, "Red Berries, White Clouds, Blue Sky."  It is a historical fiction book and a Mark Twain nominee!  The students really like it so far.  They don't like how the author always leaves us on a cliffhanger at the end of each chapter though!  

Last week we started Chapter 4 with a review of multiples and rounding with multiplying.  This week we continue with using partial products, the distributive property, and other strategies for multiplying a multi-digit number by a one-digit number.  Again, it is very important that students study their multiplication facts on a nightly basis.  The Chapter 4 Test is tentatively set for October 26th.  

Social Studies 
Because we just finished our Science unit, we will now be starting a new Social Studies unit.  This unit includes Chapters 1 and 2 in our Social Studies textbooks.  In these chapters, we will discuss landforms in Missouri, regions of Missouri, famous Missourians, and big cities in Missouri. Because I am piloting a new textbook, students will have a consumable book similar to Science and there will also be online activities available soon!  

Other Important Info.
  • This Wednesday, 10/19, is an Early Release Day with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure that your child knows how they are going home. 
  • Report Cards will be emailed home soon.  
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, October 24th and Wednesday, October 26th.  If you have not signed up for a time slot, please do so using the SignUpGenius link that was sent via email.  
  • There will be no school on November 7th and 8th.  

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