Sunday, October 30, 2016

Weekly Update

This past week we added interesting ministories, a great lead, and a reflective conclusion to our personal essays.  These will be finished in class by this Friday, and then we will move on to our persuasive essays.  The next Spelling Test will be Friday, November 11th. 

Last week we studied text features like bold print, pictures and captions, headings and subheadings, charts and diagrams, and many more!  In reading groups, we are researching natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis for an upcoming project.  

In Chapter 5, students multiply a two-digit number by another two-digit number.  We are currently rounding numbers before multiplying (ex. 50 X 30).  However, this week we will learn to multiply two numbers such as 73 X 45 to find an actual answer.  

Social Studies 
We are almost done with Chapter 1 and will soon be moving to Chapter 2!  We will have a test over both chapters after finishing Chapter 2, so be on the look out for an upcoming test date.  

Other Important Info.
  • A BIG THANK YOU for attending conferences this past week!  I appreciate your partnership in your child's education! 
  • The school-wide Halloween parade starts at 1:35 tomorrow.  The classroom Halloween parties will follow.  Students are to bring their costumes to school in a bag.  They will have enough time to change for the festivities after recess.  
  • XtraMath passwords and logins have gone home with students.  This is an optional way for students to study their multiplication facts.  
  • There is No School November 7th and 8th. 

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