Monday, March 12, 2018

Weekly Update

I want to give a huge THANK YOU to all parents who showed up to join our informational book Expert Fair!  We had an awesome turnout.  Students loved a real audience and getting nice feedback on their books from loved ones!  I know you were just as proud as we were. Our next writing unit is the literary essay, and it's one of my favorites!  Students always do a fantastic job with this unit.  We will start this unit after Spring Break.  Until then, we are hitting grammar, mechanics, and homophones.  

Students are continuing in their book club groups.  You can support book clubs at home by asking your child about their book and if they are keeping up with the assignments.  Take a look at some of the #booksnaps that students created this past week.

This week in math, we are focusing on area and perimeter.  There will be an area and perimeter quiz this Friday!

Social Studies
In social studies, we are starting our unit on Westward Expansion and Lewis and Clark!  It is an exciting unit, and students will enjoy it. 

Other Important Info.  
  • Third Quarter Report Cards are emailed home this week. 
  • Spring conferences will be held this Thursday, March 15th from 3:45-7:00 PM.  These conferences are optional, and I will meet with parents that I have requested or that have signed up for a conference.  
  • This Friday, March 16th is a half day with dismissal at 11:50.  
  • Spring Break is March 19th-23rd! 

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