Monday, April 2, 2018

Weekly Update

We have started our new unit, literary essay writing, and are currently reading the book "Fox."  As we close read this book, I am really enjoying hearing students' deep thoughts!  They are analyzing main characters, brainstorming possible themes, and noting the author's craft.  I am impressed!  This week we will continue to dig deeper and create our thesis statements! 

Students are continuing in their book club groups.  You can support book clubs at home by asking your child about their book and if they are keeping up with the assignments.  Also, we have started our poetry unit and are discussing the figurative language and author's purpose and craft in poetry.  Students are doing awesome with this! 

In Chapter 14, we are learning more about geometry.  So far, we have reviewed points, lines, rays, and measuring and drawing acute, obtuse and right angles.  This week we continue with triangles, quadrilaterals, and lines of symmetry.  The Chapter 14 Test will be this Friday, April 6th. 

Social Studies/Science
We have finished our study on westward expansion and the Civil War/slavery.  Now we are moving on to our Forces and Motion unit in science with some fun labs ahead!  

Other Important Info.  
  • Join us for Family STEM Night on Wednesday, April 11th! 
  • Spring Pictures are this Friday, April 6th. 
  • MAP Testing for fourth grade is scheduled for April 16th, 18th and 19th for ELA and April  25th and 26th for Math.  Please try not to make any appointments on these days.  It is also important that each student has a pair of headphones or earbuds for testing.

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