Thursday, September 12, 2013


We have finished our first two week study of our Spelling sorts!  That means that students have their first Spelling test tomorrow.  I will randomly choose 15 words from the student's sort for the words on the test.  Students can use  to help them in studying their words at home.  There are many resources and games available on this site.  Students can download the SpellingCity app as well.  Once on the site, students click on "Find a List."  Then, type in "Leighton" for the teacher name, scroll down, and click on my name.  Finally, click on your sort!  Yellow is studying Sort 29, Green group is on Sort 1, Blue group is on Sort 1, and White group is on Sort 28.  Students, don't forget that your Quarterly Word Study Activity (Q.A.) is due tomorrow!  Students have a blue sheet in the Spelling tab of their binder with a list of activities to choose as their Quarterly Activity.  We started these today.  These are always due on Spelling test day. 

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