Friday, September 27, 2013

Weekly Update

This week in Math, we have continued Chapter 4 with properties of addition, equations, and in/out tables.  We will finish Chapter 4 next week with balancing equations and reviewing for the Unit 1 Test (Chapters 1-4).  The Unit Test is tentatively set for Thursday (10/3).  Our back up date is Friday (10/4) if we need an extra review day.  The test date will be finalized next week- make sure to check our class blog and your child's assignment book.  Students will receive a study guide next week.  Also, don't forget- the Moodle and Online Math Textbook are always available for extra practice.

Table 4 working at the Problem Solving Rotation

Table 3 at the Games Rotation

In Reading, we are finishing up our Nonfiction Text Features Unit.  This week we discussed the text features in articles and how they help us to better understand the text.  Also, we have finished our first Mark Twain Nominee read aloud, Pie.  We celebrated the end of the book on Monday with... pie!  Enjoy the pictures below from our guest photographer, Reagan.  

There was even more to celebrate this week!  In Writing, we shared our finished personal narrative pieces!  It was fun to move around the room during our "gallery walk" to read our classmates' stories.  After reading, we commented on things that the writer did well.  Our next unit of study is fiction narrative writing.  In Spelling we took our tests, so we will receive new word sorts next week.  

In Social Studies, we reviewed latitude and longitude and studied Missouri's resources.  Students were given the Chapter 1 Study Guide.  Whatever students did not finish, they took home to finish over the weekend.  We will play a review game on Monday, and the Chapter 1 Test is Tuesday (10/1).  Extra study pages can be found in the Social Studies textbook on pages 94-95.  Of course, the Moodle has great resources as well.  After our Social Studies test, we will move on to our Ecosystems Unit in Science!  

Table 1 working hard on their study guides

Please continue to go through Flyer Folders with your child.  Also, if you have not yet signed and returned the half sheet stating that you have seen the Mid-Quarter Report, please do so.  Enjoy the extended weekend!

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