Friday, September 6, 2013

Weekly Update

This week in Math, we have finished Chapter 2 and have started Chapter 3.  We reviewed rounding and estimating.  We also used mental math strategies in adding and subtracting.  Students can visit the Moodle for extra math practice (including the study of math facts), using my school website link: click here 

Using dry erase boards to practice rounding!

Alex ordering numbers at the Activity rotation

Reagan and Tyler at the Activity rotation

In Reading, we focused on using prior knowledge and making connections (text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world).  I also pulled reading groups and met in small groups to go over our first Reading Friday Homework.  Students were given new Friday Homework, a fiction text titled, "The Skeleton Key."  Of course, this is due next Friday.

In Writing, students have made some amazing revisions to their personal narratives!  This week we wrote great leads and made sure our stories had powerful endings.  Students were thinking of the message they want to relay to their readers by asking, "What is the point of my story?"  I can't wait to read the final pieces!  Also, we have started our Spelling groups this week!  The first spelling test will be next Friday, September 13th. 

John and Ava working with their spelling word sort

In Social Studies, we continued our study of landforms.  Our big project this week was a "Hand Map!"  Students traced their hand to make an island full of landforms such as a lake, delta, gulf, bay, harbor, coastal plain, cape, mountains, etc. These projects will be due on Tuesday, September 10th.  Students took these home to finish.  Our Landforms/Map Test will be Wednesday, September 11th.  We will review in class on Monday, and students already have their study guide behind the Social Studies tab of their binders.  Again, our class Moodle has many games and resources to help students in studying.

Elayna working on her Hand Map

Reagan working on her Hand Map

It's Friday!  Therefore, students came home with Flyer Folders tonight.  As always, please go through these with your child and return any forms.  The green, updated PTO Volunteer Form that I had mentioned in an email earlier this week is included in the Flyer Folders.  The Daily Edit and Rounding quizzes are also coming home in Flyer Folders, as well as other graded work.  Quizzes do not need to be signed or returned.  Students brought home Scholastic Book orders too!  If you would prefer to order online, here is the link:  Our Classroom Code is L8V73.  Ordering online is quick and easy, but I will send directions for ordering online as an attachment in the Weekly Update email reminder.  Don't forget to take a look at the "Homework" page on our blog for important homework and date reminders.  

Finally, Long Lawn Day was today!  Students got to visit a variety of stations, such as outdoor relays and indoor inflatables.  Here are some pictures of the students having fun!

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