Thursday, May 22, 2014

St. Charles Field Trip

We had a beautiful day yesterday for our trip to St. Charles!  First we visited the Lewis and Clark Museum.  I was very impressed that the students remembered so much from when we studied this in class earlier in the school year!  Great job, students.  Our tour guide went in to such detail that we all learned so much more about Lewis and Clark's journey west.  

Reading all about Lewis, Clark, Seaman the dog, Sacagawea and York
Viewing all of the neat dioramas
Finding all kinds of hidden stuffed animals 
Mrs. Garrison's and Mrs. Leighton's classes with Lewis, Clark, and Seaman

We loved seeing two of Saint Louis' 250th birthday cakes!  One was in front of the Lewis and Clark Museum (above).  The other one was in front of the First Missouri State Capitol Building, which was our next stop! 

We got to see where the House and Senate sat!
Learning about the residence section of the building
Exploring the general store below the courthouse

We had so much fun in the historic town of St. Charles!  We would like to thank Mrs. Fife, Mrs. Giles, Mrs. Rolwes and Mrs. Reijgers for chaperoning our trip!  

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