Sunday, May 4, 2014

Weekly Update

We have finished MAP testing with math this past week!  Thank you for supporting your child these past couple of weeks!  

Monday's review math rotation with fraction bingo!
Taking the math eValuate for the last time with a partner!
On Wednesday we will have a test over customary and metric measurement.  Students received the study guide on Friday.  After our measurement test, we will resume with fractions and decimals.  

We have finished our poetry unit in reading and writing.  Students are also starting to finish their current book club books, and some groups are creating iMovie book trailers.  This week students have a nonfiction reading for Friday Homework titled, "Pictures in the Stars."

Students have published their poetry anthologies, and they will come home soon.  I was very impressed with the final products!  Great job, students!  Also, students will receive a new spelling sort on Monday.

We finished up our forces and motion unit with a few labs.  In one lab, students calculated the speed at which they can chew bubblegum.  In another lab, students experimented with friction as they tested the speed and distance a toy car would travel over sandpaper versus the tile floor.  However, the students' favorite lab was where they demonstrated the law of inertia (see the video below).  Students received the forces and motion study guide on Friday, and the forces and motion unit test will be this Tuesday.  We will resume with social studies instruction after our test on Tuesday.  


Other Important Info. 
Don't forget to turn in the field trip permission slip and $10 for the Lewis and Clark Museum and First Missouri Capital on May 21st!  Thank you parents for volunteering to chaperone!  We are covered for parent chaperones, and volunteers will receive more information via email.    

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