Thursday, May 15, 2014

Weekly Update

This week we continued with fractions.  We discussed many different ways to find equivalent fractions and we compared fractions with less than, greater than, and equal to signs.  We will continue with fractions next week.   

Adding fractions to our math notebook
Representing equivalent fractions
Playing a pizza fractions game
We have finished our read aloud "Wonder," and it is an amazing book with a great message.  We have been focusing on theme a lot lately and we discussed that friendship, acceptance and kindness are big themes in this book.  We illustrated our favorite parts from the book.  Those pictures and some of the amazing quotes from the book are now hanging in our room as reminders. 

Also, iMovie book trailers are trickling in.  I will post them as they are turned in.  Enjoy!  

This week students brainstormed the problem, solution and theme of their picture books and began drafting.  Students shared their drafts with the class to get positive feedback and advice.  We are working on some great themes, such as kindness, bravery, integrity, and being yourself.  The next and final spelling test is Friday, May 23rd.  

Social Studies
This week we reviewed the three branches of government.  Click on the picture below to link up to a video that the students really enjoyed.

We also started Junior Achievement with Mrs. Rolwes and Mr. Giles this week!   We learned that an entrepreneur is someone who starts his or her own business.   We even heard personal stories from our parent volunteers about their experiences in the business field.  We've had a lot of fun so far and have learned a lot!  We can't wait for our final Junior Achievement lesson on Monday!

Playing a game called, "Hot Dog Stand"

Using our business problem-solving catchers 

Ice Cream Truck/Bubble Bus
We enjoyed the ice cream truck and bubble bus reward today as an end of the year treat!  Check out the fun we had today!

Important and Upcoming Dates:
  • May 16th- No school!
  • May 21st- Field Trip to Lewis and Clark Museum and First Capitol!
  • May 23rd- Field Day!  Wear comfortable clothes and shoes!  If any parents would like to volunteer, here is the link to sign up:
  • May 23rd- All school library books are due
  • May 23rd- Final spelling test
  • May 26th- Memorial Day- No school!
  • May 30th- Last day of school!  This is a half day with dismissal at 11:50, so no lunch will be served.

I will keep you posted with any other important information and upcoming dates as the year comes to an end.  Thank you!

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