Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Social Studies-Landforms and Maps

This is a reminder that students have their Landforms/Map Test tomorrow in Social Studies.  Students have study materials in the Social Studies tab of their binder, including the study guide.  Additionally, there are games on the Moodle that students can use for extra practice- Click here!  Furthermore, we talked about a new website to study our vocabulary words.  Quizlet is a site with online flashcards and games to practice unit vocabulary!  Click here to visit Quizlet.  Throughout the year, we will be using new websites that may require usernames and passwords.  As we add them, I will create labels to stick on the back of students' log in cards.  So, for now, see below for the username and password for Quizlet.  Everyone uses the same class account. 

Username:  Long-Leighton
Password:  leighton

(The username and password are case sensitive!)

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