Saturday, September 14, 2013

Weekly Update

This week in Math, we have finished Chapter 3.  We focused on regrouping with big numbers in addition and subtraction.  We have also reviewed good problem solving strategies when working with word problems, such as underlining the question and identifying key words.  The Moodle is always available for extra math practice (including the study of math facts), using my school website link: click here 

Lola and John at the Games Rotation
In Reading, we started our nonfiction unit.  Students used a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast fiction and nonfiction.  We also had a scavenger hunt race to find text features in our Social Studies textbook.  We found text features such as the table of contents, headings, subheadings, pictures with captions, maps, diagrams, bold words, and much more!

Table 2 finding good examples of nonfiction and fiction books

Macey adding example books to her Venn Diagram

Eric choosing great books to complete his Venn Diagram

The finished products!

Text Features Scavenger Hunt

In Writing, we self-assessed our own first drafts for the good qualities of personal narratives that we've been learning about.  I also got to confer and conference with many students about their writing.  What beautiful pieces we are creating!  Our class will be moving on with editing our finished drafts next week.  In Spelling, we took our first test!  That means students will get a new word sort list on Monday.
Dorothy writing her 10 sentences

Katherine and Raph working on their Quarterly Word Study Activities

In Social Studies, we finished our Landforms/Map unit with a test on Wednesday.  Students brought these tests home to be signed and returned on Monday.  

Ask your student how Chef MIMAL helps us with U.S. geography!
We also discussed 9/11 with a neat e-book titled, "The Man Who Walked Between the Towers."  

Finally, this week we took the Reading and Math eValuate Tests.  These are monthly assessments that help us to prepare for the MAP Test in April.  We chart our progress in the classroom. 

Gianna working on her Reading eValuate

We also had our first counselor's lesson this week with Mrs. Maddock, our School Counselor.  We reviewed "I Care" language as a problem solving strategy.  You can learn more about "I Care" language here: I Care.  We also had fun in getting to know more about our classmates.  

Katherine and Reagan demonstrating a timely tool that can help solve a problem

Please find your child's Social Studies Test in their Flyer Folder to sign and return.  There are also other graded assignments and notes that went home.  Additionally, a note went home earlier this week to remind families that our first Early Release Day is next Wednesday the 18th at 1:40.  Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home.  Don't forget to take a look at the "Homework" page on our blog for important homework and event reminders throughout the week.

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