Friday, September 20, 2013

Weekly Update

This week in Math, we have started Chapter 4 with expressions and basic algebra.  We also reviewed our first eValuate assessment that we took last week by sharing the great strategies we used to solve the problems.  Don't forget- the Moodle is always available for extra math practice (including the study of math facts), using my school website link: click here 

Practicing fact fluency at the Activity Rotation
At the back table working with fact families 

John has a great trick in identifying parallel lines

Reagan remembers that multiplication is repeated addition

In Reading, we continued to identify text features in multiple texts.  We also received our first Scholastic order!  Just from ordering, we earned 10 free books!!  Also, Mrs. Leighton used her points to order some "Who was...?" biography series, "Dear Dumb Diary" fiction series, and "I Survived" historical fiction series books that our class really enjoys!  Students were given a book talk about each new book that was added to our class library, and they added the titles of interesting books to their "Books to Read" list.  It was so much fun!  We are a class of readers. 

Here are the many good books that we added to our classroom library 

 In Writing, we have finished our personal narrative stories with paragraphing, editing, and publishing.  We will celebrate these pieces next week!  In Spelling, we have started our new word sorts.  

Miles boxing topics for paragraphs

Katherine is finishing a great personal narrative piece

In Social Studies, we are in Chapter 1.  We have discussed Missouri's 5 regions as well as latitude and longitude.  There are games on the Moodle to help students in practicing latitude and longitude at home.

Gianna color coding Missouri's regions

Finally, this week we got to meet our first grade buddies in Ms. Burns's class!   We reviewed the first of the 7 Habits- Be Proactive!  

Social Studies and Spelling Tests need to be signed and returned if you have not already done so.  There are also other graded assignments and notes that went home in Flyer Folders this week.  Don't forget that Picture Day is next Wednesday at 10:30 for our class, and that there is no school on Friday (9/27).  That means that the Reading Friday Homework and the Girls' Reading Letters will be due on Thursday (9/26).  Note that the Spelling Test will also be on Thursday as well.  

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