Monday, September 7, 2015

Weekly Update


We worked hard this past week in writing!  We created believable characters for our writing unit.  This means that we thought about our characters' external and internal characteristics, and we included positive and negative character traits to balance our characters.  We also started our story plots to brainstorm our realistic fiction story scenes.  Our first Spelling Test is this Friday, September 11th.  Students will need to spend time at home studying their words.  

In reading this past week, we made reading resolutions.  These are reading goals that will be updated throughout the school year.  Resolutions included reading more chapter books, reading a variety of genres and authors, reading more than 120 minutes per week, etc.  We also worked on retelling our read aloud books by synthesizing.  This means that we used backstory to help us in summarizing what we read.  

We have finished Chapter 1 in math and will start Chapter 2 tomorrow!  Chapter 2 is a review of addition and subtraction.  We will start with addition and subtraction rules and patterns as well as estimating.  Students will take home the Chapter 2 "Math At Home" family letter and vocabulary flashcards tomorrow.  

Social Studies
In social studies, we have started our study of landforms.  Stay tuned as students create "Hand Maps" this week. 

Other Important Info.  
  • You should see notes and graded work such as math worksheets coming home in the folder in your child's binder on a daily basis.  If a math worksheet has a check at the top, all problems were solved correctly on the first try.  Otherwise, a paper will note the problems that students had to rework for accuracy.  
  • This week students will write for Friday Homework.  A few times during the writing week, students will write in their Reflection Journals.  Some days students will answer a prompt, and other days they will free write.  Reflection Journals can be left at home until the due date when they are to be brought back to school for review.  

  • Our first field trip will be Monday, September 28th to Babler State Park for Missouri Heritage Days.  If you have not already turned in the permission slip or money, please do so.  It is a full day trip.  Parent chaperones have been selected and will receive an email with more information soon.  

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