Sunday, September 13, 2015

Weekly Update


This past week in writing we worked on writing story scenes with much detail.  We also were assigned our unit writing partners, who helped us in adding details.  Students will get their new spelling sorts on Monday, and the next Spelling Test will be Thursday, 9/24 because there is no school Friday, 9/25.  

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In reading we practiced plotting a story's main events on a story arc.  We also met in reading groups for the first time.  Students will meet in leveled reading groups a couple times a week.  It is the students' responsibility to read the assigned pages and complete the assignment before the next meeting date.  Students can complete this assignment during independent reading time in class, or they can take the assignment home to complete for homework.  

In Chapter 2, we have worked with addition and subtraction rules and patterns as well as estimating.  This week we will continue with a review of regrouping and subtracting across zeros.  Students took home the Chapter 2 "Math At Home" family letter and vocabulary flashcards on Tuesday.  Also, I am offering extra credit for the Chapter 1 Math Test.  Students need to ask me for it if interested.  This is due Tuesday, 9/15.  

Social Studies
In social studies, we started our Hand Map project.  Students created an island (in the shape of their hand) and added certain landforms on their island.  These are due Wednesday, 9/16.  The Landforms/Map Test is set for Friday, 9/18.  Students will get the study guide on Monday.  

Other Important Info.  
  • This week students have the Math Standardized Test Prep Chapters 1-2 for Friday Homework.  To find the Reflection Journal prompts for this past week and in the future, click here
  • Current grades can be viewed using SIS.  Grades are updated weekly.  
  • All tests need to be signed and returned.  These will be marked with a stamp.  The Chapter 1 Math Test went home this week to be signed and returned.  
  • Thank you parents for signing the assignment book each night!  Students are doing a great job in reading 120 minutes per week and in filling out their assignment books in general!  
  • This Wednesday, 9/16, is an Early Release Day (and no letter day) with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure that your child knows how they are going home. 

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