Sunday, September 20, 2015

Weekly Update


This past week we focused on our story scene leads and dialogue. Some students have even begun to type their stories!  This week we will discuss story endings and the revision stage of the writing process.   As a reminder, students' next Spelling Test will be Thursday, 9/24 because there is no school Friday, 9/25.  

In reading we continued to focus on plotting a story's main events in reading groups.  Students meet in leveled reading groups a couple times per week.  It is the students' responsibility to read the assigned pages and complete the assignment before the next meeting date.  Students can complete this assignment during independent reading time in class, or they can take the assignment home to complete for homework.  

This past week we worked on regrouping when adding big numbers and borrowing when subtracting.  This week we will end Chapter 2 with word problem practice.  The Chapter 2 Test is Wednesday, 9/23.  Students will receive the study guide tomorrow.  All students took the "Check My Progress" pages 105-106 home to practice this weekend, and it is due tomorrow. 

Using book club orders in the problem solving rotation!
Social Studies/Science
We have finished our Landforms and Maps unit!  That means we are moving on to our Ecosystems unit in Science!  Students will take home flashcards on Monday, and their vocabulary quiz is set for Tuesday, 9/29.  

Other Important Info.  
  • To find the Reflection Journal prompts that will be assigned this week as well as old reflection prompts, click here
  • Current grades can be viewed using SIS.  Grades are updated weekly.  
  • There is No School this Friday, 9/25! 

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