Friday, April 29, 2016

Weekly Update

Today we started our poetry unit!  We read through poetry, looking for themes that interest us for our poetry anthologies that we will create.  Themes include pets (love, responsibility), sports (dedication, determination, perseverance), nature, peace, laughter/happiness, etc.  Next week we will continue to find poems in various forms by a variety of authors that fit our themes.  Students will also receive their spelling words on Monday.  The final Spelling Test will be Thursday, May 12th since there is no school on Friday, May 13th.  

We finished our read aloud Matilda this week!  Students celebrated their hard work on the MAP Test by watching the movie, "Matilda."  It was fun for them to compare the book and movie, and they really seemed to enjoy it!

Next Wednesday (5/4) is the Area and Perimeter Quiz.  We reviewed today and will continue to review next Monday and Tuesday.  Students will work on the study guide on Monday.  

On Monday we will resume our science study with our forces and motion unit.  There are many fun labs in this unit! 

Other Important Info.
  • Please respond to the Field Day Lunch Sign-Up that was sent earlier today via email.  Ms. Shellie in the cafeteria would like to know who would like a sack lunch on May 20th so that she can prepare orders.  Please respond to the email by May 8th.  Thank you!
  • We are in need of Field Day Volunteers.  Please use this link to sign up:

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Weekly Update

Most students have finished their "Fox" literary essay and are ready to write one final literary essay before moving on to our poetry unit in May.  New spelling words will not be given until after MAP testing.  They will be our last word sorts of the year! 

This past week we continued to close read and dig deeper into the text.  We also continued MAP review. 

This past week we finished lessons in the geometry Chapter 14.   This coming week we will finish Chapter 13 on area/perimeter.  We will not test on these topics until after MAP testing.  Following MAP testing, we will have an area and perimeter quiz.  Then, we will review and test Chapter 14.  Of course, study guides will be sent home closer to the test dates.  Chapters 13 and 14 are the last chapters in the math textbook!  

After MAP testing, we will resume our science study with our forces and motion unit.  There are many fun labs in this unit! 

Other Important Info.
  • Fourth grade MAP testing is this week!  ELA (Reading) will be tested April 25th-26th and Math will be tested April 27th-28th.  (Also, we will be switching lunch times with 5th grade on April 27th and 28th, and we will eat at 12:15.)  This is a change to the original schedule.  Please try not to make any appointments on these days.   Students should get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast!
  • Please sign and return field trip permission slips for the Daniel Boone Home on May 19th!  Our two parent volunteers have been emailed.  We had a lot of parents willing to chaperone- thank you very much!  
  • We are in need of Field Day Volunteers.  Please use this link to sign up:

Monday, April 18, 2016

Weekly Update

Students are continuing to draft, revise, and edit their literary essays about the picture book, "Fox."  The Homophones Sort #2 Spelling Test is this Friday, April 22nd

We are continuing to close read and dig deeper into the text.  We are also adding in some MAP review so that we feel confident in taking the test next week! 

Today we finished Chapter 12 on the metric system with the test.  The rest of this week we will be working on Chapters 13 and 14 on area/perimeter and geometry, respectively.  However, we will not test on these topics until after MAP testing.  Following MAP testing, we will have a area and perimeter quiz.  Then, we will review and test Chapter 14.  Of course, a study guide will be sent home closer to the test date.  Chapters 13 and 14 are the last chapters in the textbook!  

Social Studies 
The Social Studies quiz over the three branches of government will be this Friday, April 22nd.  Students received the study guide today.  

Other Important Info.
  • This Wednesday, April 20th is an Early Release Day with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure your child knows how they are going home.  
  • Fourth grade starts MAP testing next week!  ELA (Reading) will be tested April 25th-26th and Math will be tested April 27th.  Please try not to schedule any appointments on these days.   Students should get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast!
  • Among many other notes, students brought home a permission slip for our last field trip of the year.  We will be going to the Daniel Boone Home on May 19th!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Weekly Update

This past week students brainstormed their thesis about the book "Fox" for their literary essays.  We will continue to work on these essays this week.  On Monday, students will get their second and final spelling words on homophones.  The Spelling Test will be Friday, April 22nd

To help students in thinking deep about texts in writing a literary essay and in book clubs, we have started close reading.  With close reading, we reread texts multiple times in order to dig deeper (ex.find the main idea and supporting details, identify cause and effect, describe the author's craft, explain the moral/lesson of the text, find figurative language, etc.).  Look at the thinking we came up with for the poem, "Victory."

We are in the middle of Chapter 12, metric measurement.  On Friday we learned how to convert metric units, and students are doing well with it so far.  Our notes help us in remembering how to convert these foreign units.  

Social Studies 
We are currently working on a Social Studies mobile project to help us in understanding and differentiating the three branches of government.  The government test will be next week (more details in this coming Weekly Update). 

Other Important Info.
  • You should have received an email from Dr. Parker last week regarding MAP testing.  Fourth grade plans on testing April 25th-26th.  Please try not to schedule any appointments on these days.   Students should get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Weekly Update

This past week students amazed me as we started our literary essay unit!  We are reading and analyzing a picture book called Fox, and so far we have almost read it twice.  We keep stopping after every page, or sometimes even paragraph, to discuss all that the book has to offer.  Look at some of the awesome thinking we have documented so far. 

This past week we also received new spelling words.  We all have the same words as we study homophones.  The Spelling Test is this Friday, April 8th.  

We have started our new read aloud, "Matilda!"  Students love it so far!  As a reminder, book clubs meet every Wednesday and Friday.  Students should be prepared to meet by reading the assigned pages and filling out a book club role sheet.  

We finished Chapter 11 on customary measurement on Friday.  On Monday we will move on to metric units of length, capacity and mass in Chapter 12. 

Social Studies 
We have been reviewing the three branches of government and learning the Preamble of the Constitution.  Look at the previous blog post for helpful and catchy Social Studies videos! 

Other Important Info.
  • You should have received an email from Dr. Parker this week regarding MAP testing.  Fourth grade plans on testing April 25th-26th.