Monday, April 11, 2016

Weekly Update

This past week students brainstormed their thesis about the book "Fox" for their literary essays.  We will continue to work on these essays this week.  On Monday, students will get their second and final spelling words on homophones.  The Spelling Test will be Friday, April 22nd

To help students in thinking deep about texts in writing a literary essay and in book clubs, we have started close reading.  With close reading, we reread texts multiple times in order to dig deeper (ex.find the main idea and supporting details, identify cause and effect, describe the author's craft, explain the moral/lesson of the text, find figurative language, etc.).  Look at the thinking we came up with for the poem, "Victory."

We are in the middle of Chapter 12, metric measurement.  On Friday we learned how to convert metric units, and students are doing well with it so far.  Our notes help us in remembering how to convert these foreign units.  

Social Studies 
We are currently working on a Social Studies mobile project to help us in understanding and differentiating the three branches of government.  The government test will be next week (more details in this coming Weekly Update). 

Other Important Info.
  • You should have received an email from Dr. Parker last week regarding MAP testing.  Fourth grade plans on testing April 25th-26th.  Please try not to schedule any appointments on these days.   Students should get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast!

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