Sunday, April 24, 2016

Weekly Update

Most students have finished their "Fox" literary essay and are ready to write one final literary essay before moving on to our poetry unit in May.  New spelling words will not be given until after MAP testing.  They will be our last word sorts of the year! 

This past week we continued to close read and dig deeper into the text.  We also continued MAP review. 

This past week we finished lessons in the geometry Chapter 14.   This coming week we will finish Chapter 13 on area/perimeter.  We will not test on these topics until after MAP testing.  Following MAP testing, we will have an area and perimeter quiz.  Then, we will review and test Chapter 14.  Of course, study guides will be sent home closer to the test dates.  Chapters 13 and 14 are the last chapters in the math textbook!  

After MAP testing, we will resume our science study with our forces and motion unit.  There are many fun labs in this unit! 

Other Important Info.
  • Fourth grade MAP testing is this week!  ELA (Reading) will be tested April 25th-26th and Math will be tested April 27th-28th.  (Also, we will be switching lunch times with 5th grade on April 27th and 28th, and we will eat at 12:15.)  This is a change to the original schedule.  Please try not to make any appointments on these days.   Students should get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast!
  • Please sign and return field trip permission slips for the Daniel Boone Home on May 19th!  Our two parent volunteers have been emailed.  We had a lot of parents willing to chaperone- thank you very much!  
  • We are in need of Field Day Volunteers.  Please use this link to sign up:

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