Sunday, April 3, 2016

Weekly Update

This past week students amazed me as we started our literary essay unit!  We are reading and analyzing a picture book called Fox, and so far we have almost read it twice.  We keep stopping after every page, or sometimes even paragraph, to discuss all that the book has to offer.  Look at some of the awesome thinking we have documented so far. 

This past week we also received new spelling words.  We all have the same words as we study homophones.  The Spelling Test is this Friday, April 8th.  

We have started our new read aloud, "Matilda!"  Students love it so far!  As a reminder, book clubs meet every Wednesday and Friday.  Students should be prepared to meet by reading the assigned pages and filling out a book club role sheet.  

We finished Chapter 11 on customary measurement on Friday.  On Monday we will move on to metric units of length, capacity and mass in Chapter 12. 

Social Studies 
We have been reviewing the three branches of government and learning the Preamble of the Constitution.  Look at the previous blog post for helpful and catchy Social Studies videos! 

Other Important Info.
  • You should have received an email from Dr. Parker this week regarding MAP testing.  Fourth grade plans on testing April 25th-26th.  

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