Thursday, August 15, 2013

Our First Day!

Today was a great day!  We started off the day with building community.  Since we will all be school leaders and good friends this year, we needed to get to know our classmates better.  First, we acted as journalists by interviewing our classmates.  After students interviewed a classmate, they introduced him or her to the rest of the class!  


In the afternoon, we rotated around the building to be reminded of expectations in the hallway, bathrooms, cafeteria, library, and playground.  We also reviewed our "I CARE" language with our counselor, Mrs. Maddock.


We ended the day by reading one of Mrs. Leighton's favorite picture books, "Skippyjon Jones!"  So, we learned a little Spanish today too. 
For homework, students are to bring back any forms that need to be returned in the manila envelope.  Also, students should bring in magazines they are interested in to decorate our writer's notebooks.   Finally, I want to let you know that we eat lunch at 12:55, so students are welcome to bring a snack that is safe for the classroom (ex. fruit, yogurt, pretzels, cheese, and other foods that contain no nuts!).  

*If you are a student reading our blog, comment below to tell me one thing you learned today about anything we discussed (geography, our classmates' interests, expectations and routines at Long and in our classroom, Spanish, etc.) OR tell me about your favorite part of the first day of 4th grade. :) 

Thank you students for a great day!  I will see you all tomorrow!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My favorite part of today was getting to know Tyler and making the bad hair day picture in art.
    From Trevor

  3. Awesome, Trevor! I am glad that you enjoyed art and getting to know our classmates!
