Friday, August 16, 2013

Our Second Day!

We had another great day today!  After music class, we started talking about "The 7 Habits of Happy Kids" as part of our character and community building activities this week. Students had an awesome discussion about the meaning of a habit, and they gave great examples of good and not so good habits.  This year we will focus on 7 good habits using the book below.

Today we were introduced to the characters in this book that will help to teach us the 7 habits.  We also listened to this song to help us understand the 7 habits a little better:

Our goal is to remake this song as our own once we know more about these habits.  We will focus on one habit at a time.  

In between discussing a few other class routines and expectations as well as taking a math and spelling pre-test, students had a great time decorating and personalizing their writer's notebooks.  They look fabulous!

Parents, next week we will be getting into the curriculum and more routine.  It will be important to make Curriculum Night this coming Thursday the 22nd.  There you will learn more about these routines and you will receive a copy of our class handbook, which will also be posted on our class website.  Unless students have not returned signed forms in the manila folder, they do not have homework this weekend!  The assignment notebooks will be another main form of communication between home and school this year.  Next week, students will be utilizing all sections of the assignment notebook, including the Reading Log and Behavior sections.  I would also like parents to start signing the assignment notebook.  Also, next week I may not be posting to the blog on a daily basis.  However, on Fridays I will recap important events from the week and provide reminders for upcoming events, in addition to posting other valuable information.  Finally, students will have P.E. on Monday, so make sure they dress accordingly.  

Students, if you have not done so already, comment below on something you learned this week or describe your favorite part of our first week of school!

The students are very sweet, and I enjoy getting to know them all!  Have a great weekend!

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