Friday, August 23, 2013

Weekly Update

Welcome to our first Weekly Update!  We have had a great first full week of school!

In math, students are mastering our rotations routine.  First, students will participate in the mini lesson.  Then, they will be involved in one rotation a day: Technology, Activity, Games or Problem Solving.  They will get to all of the rotations by the end of the chapter lessons.  Students are pulled from their rotation in small groups to further review the lesson at the back table with me.  In addition, students have a math notebook that they use on a daily basis.  It may only come home before a unit test.  Unit 1 contains the first four chapters.  Students have been working in Chapter 1 this week with place value and benchmark numbers.  Students can visit the Moodle for extra math practice (including the study of math facts), using my school website link: click here.

In reading, students reviewed expectations for independent reading and picked "just right" books.  I can tell that I have a group of students who love to read!  It is very important that students keep up with their Reading Log, reading 120 minutes each week.  Students are also keeping track of all the books they will read this year on a blue Reading List in their binder.  This week we also discussed reading comprehension strategies and were reminded that "reading is thinking" as we made predictions, asked questions, made connections, and learned new things from our books.  As a class, we have started our first read aloud, PIE by Sarah Weeks.  PIE is a Mark Twain Nominee.

Eric adding "good fit books" to his Reading Interests List
Gianna illustrating our "too easy" books reminder
Ella recording her thinking while reading
Dorothy recording her thinking 

In writing, students are prewriting by filling their writer's notebooks with ideas for their personal narratives.  We have listed people and places that are important to us and thought of memories, or "small moments," for each.  Please remind the students that it is important for them to write in their Reflection Journal each week night.  They are not to write for a set time, but should write on a complete idea, thought, feeling, diary entry, etc.  Entries should be dated.  Students may keep these journals at home, unless they are told to bring it in for teacher review.

Tyler prewriting his personal narrative

In social studies, we have reviewed cardinal directions as well as the continents and oceans.  Students will have a quiz on Tuesday (8/27) on the Continents & Oceans.  Using a key, they will label a blank map with the 7 continents and 5 oceans.  We will review on Monday, and students can use the world worksheet completed in class as a study guide.  Additionally, I have review games and activities on the Moodle.  Students have all of their technology usernames and passwords listed on their log in card in their binder.

Alex and Morgan using cardinal directions in drawing a floor plan

Also, I want to thank the parents who came out to Curriculum Night!  If you were not able to make it, your child will bring home our Class Handbook containing everything that I had discussed.  It is important that all parents read over our 4th Grade Handbook, as it is packed with vital information about our class.  An electronic, color copy (which is helpful for the clip chart colors) can be found on my school website here.  We can have another Party Leader to help coordinate both the Halloween and Valentines parties, and one Party Helper for the Valentines party on Feb. 14th.  We are also looking for a Junior Achievement parent volunteer.  We have one parent interested who may want to work with another parent and split the responsibilities.   The volunteer would be trained and receive all lesson plans and materials.  This would take place at the end of the school year.  The parent volunteer in my classroom last year taught 45-minute lessons for 5 days (split between 2 weeks).  We would work out what time works for you and our class.  Please email me if any of these volunteer opportunities interest you.  Finally, students came home with Flyer Folders tonight.  Please go through these with the students and return any forms on Monday.  Be sure to check out our new "Homework" tab on the blog for a list of daily homework assignments!

Have a great weekend!  

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