Friday, August 30, 2013

Weekly Update

This week in Math, we have finished Chapter 1 with a lesson on pictographs and have started Chapter 2.  We have compared numbers, ordered numbers from least to greatest, and reviewed making and reading tables.  Today we had our first lesson on rounding.  The students are doing great with it so far!  Remember that students can visit the Moodle for extra math practice (including the study of math facts), using my school website link: click here.  Also, students have a math packet for Friday Homework that is due September 6th.

Morgan reviewing facts at the Technology Rotation

Trevor at the Activity Rotation, putting together a place value chart

Reagan and Tyler playing "Digit Ski" at the Games Rotation
Ryan at the Problem Solving Rotation

Raph working on his Math Notebook

In Reading, we have added more reading strategies to our "R CAFE" board.  This week we practiced the strategy "cross checking," tuning into interesting words, asking questions while reading, and reading with expression.  We noted that the more we read, the better we get at all of these strategies!  Don't forget: The boys' Reading Response Letters are due next Friday, September 6th.  An example is posted on this blog, under the label "Reading Response Letters."  Students also have a purple description sheet in their binders.  

Check out the strategies we have added to our R CAFE board!
Katherine and Macey practicing our "Read with expression" strategy

In Writing, students are doing a great job developing their personal narratives.  This week we focused on adding good details to our writing by zooming into the most important part and adding sensory details.  We also  checked the organization and flow of our stories by using transition words such as "first," "next," and "finally." We added these writing strategies to our VOICES board.  Please remind students that it is important for them to write in their Reflection Journal each week night.  They are not to write for a set time, but should write on a complete idea, thought, feeling, diary entry, etc.  Entries should be dated.  I told students that I will be collecting these next Friday (9/6) to view over the weekend.  

We have been busy writers in using these strategies!
Dorothy adding great details to her writing

In Social Studies, we studied landforms.  We made a flipbook to help review some water landform terms.  We are also locating other landforms on a United States map, such as the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River.  Social Studies is fun!

John working on his landforms flipbook, with the final product below!

Gianna and Tyler finding examples of landforms to add to their flipbooks

Katherine and Ella locating landforms on their U.S. maps 

Also, students have reached their first 100 points this week for great behavior!  We voted and would like to have a comfy reading and writing time in class on Wednesday!  With your permission, the first part of this reward is that students are able to wear pajamas to school.  The second part is that students are able to bring a comfortable item with them to use during independent reading and writing time.  The word "sleeping bag" was thrown out there as we were discussing the reward.  However, if your student rides the bus, they need to have something that will fit in their backpack (ex. a small pillow, Pillow Pet, or blanket).  Also, for all students, the comfy item has to be something that they can comfortably carry in the hallways by themselves.  A reminder note will come home with Flyer Folders on Tuesdays.  Finally, students came home with Flyer Folders tonight.  Please go through these with your child and return any forms on Tuesday. (We are off Monday for Labor Day!)  The social studies quiz is also coming home in Flyer Folders.  Don't forget to take a look at the "Homework" page on our blog.  We look forward to starting our spelling and reading groups next week, as well as Long Lawn Day on Friday! 

Have a great 3-day weekend!  

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