Sunday, December 17, 2017

Weekly Update


We are celebrating our persuasive essays this Monday, 12/18!

In reading we are continuing in our information unit.  As we read "I Survived the Revolutionary War," we are taking notes on the facts, dates, and important words in this book.  It will help us with our writing unit in January. Students are doing great with this and are learning a lot about the war! 

We are currently working on patterns in Chapter 7.  We have written equations for number patterns and have completed in and out tables.  We have started to solve equations using the order of operations, PEMDAS.  We will also review PEMDAS this week.  We will not have a Chapter 7 test or another math test before break.

Social Studies 
Students are presenting their explorers presentations!  They are turning out great!  Here are some of their awesome slides! 

Other Important Info. 
  • Our second and last class spelling bee is this Monday, December 18th.   The winner from each bee will represent our class in the school bee on January 19th.  
  • The Fourth Grade Team has planned some special events the week of winter break! On Monday, 12/18, we will have Winter Spirit Day!  Students can feel free to wear "ugly" sweaters, holiday hats or headbands, etc.  On Polar Express Tuesday, students will enjoy a holiday movie in the afternoon!  The Winter Party is Wednesday, December 20th from 2-3pm. 
  • Winter Break starts Thursday, 12/21, and school resumes Thursday, January 4th. 

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Weekly Update

Students are revising, editing and publishing their persuasive essays!  We will celebrate these essays on Monday, 12/18! 

In reading we are continuing in our information unit.  We have also started our new read aloud, "I Survived the Revolutionary War!"  We are learning how to take notes on the facts, dates, and important words in this book as it will help us with our writing unit in January.  

We are currently working on patterns in Chapter 7.  We will not have a Chapter 7 test or another math test before break.

Science/Social Studies 
We kicked off our explorers unit by pretending we were archaeologists and "diving" into ship wrecks from the 1400s and 1500s.  Students found many interesting and unique artifacts!  We also started our next project, a Google Slides presentation on a famous explorer.  These projects are due on Thursday, and students are working in groups in class.  

Other Important Info. 
  • The class spelling bees will take place this Friday, December 15th and Monday, December 18th.   The winner from each bee will represent our class in the school bee on January 19th.  We will also have an alternate.  Students brought home a list of words to study. if interested.  
  • The Fourth Grade Team has planned some special events the week of winter break! On Monday, 12/18, we will have Winter Spirit Day!  Students can feel free to wear "ugly" sweaters, holiday hats or headbands, etc.  On Polar Express Tuesday, students will enjoy a holiday movie in the afternoon!  The Winter Party is Wednesday, December 20th from 2-3pm. 
  • Winter Break starts Thursday, 12/21, and school resumes Thursday, January 4th.
  • An archery class will be available in January and February at Long!  Sign up here: Archery Sign Up

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Weekly Update

Students have started to type their persuasive essays and are making good progress!  Topics include more class field trips, every student having their own school computer, Strings being taught at a different time of day, getting a cell phone, etc.  Also, check out our postcard exchange wall!  We have received postcards from 6 different classes in 6 different U.S. states!  

In reading we are continuing in our information unit as we identify hybrid nonfiction texts that combine narrative and expository writing. 

The Chapter 6 Test over long division is this Thursday, 12/7. Below, students are working in some of our holiday themed activities this past week! 

Science/Social Studies 
This past week we finished our rock study.  Below you will find students engaged in a rocks review game and some students identifying rocks by noting their color, texture, streak, and other characteristics.  We are now moving on to our explorers unit in social studies that I know the students will enjoy!   

Other Important Info.
  • This Wednesday, 12/6, is an early release day with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure your child knows how they are going home.  

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Weekly Update

This past week in our writing unit, we participated in debates!  Students came up with some pretty persuasive reasons and evidence for their assigned point of view! 

We walked around the room to vote if we agree, "Yes," or disagree, "No,"
with each persuasive thesis.

We will finish reading "Wonder" on Monday, and we can not wait to see the movie on Tuesday!  What a special treat!  

We have started Chapter 6, "Divide by a One-Digit Number," with estimating quotients.  This week we will start the traditional method for dividing, and we will continue it after break.  Again, it is important that your child knows their multiplication and division facts.  They should be practicing facts for fluency on a nightly basis.  

This week in rotations we worked on graphing. 
First, students asked the class a question to gather data. 
Then, they graphed their data using a variety of graphs.

This past week we continued to study the rock cycle and identify the three different types of rocks.  We also discussed weathering and erosion.  Our Chapter 5 Rocks Test will be the Friday after break, 12/1.  

Other Important Info.
  • Our "Wonder" field trip is this Tuesday!  Students will want to make sure they are dressed warm or bring a jacket.  We are so excited!  
  • There will be no school Wednesday, 11/22 - Friday, 11/24 for Thanksgiving BreakHave a great holiday! 

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Weekly Update

We are participating in a US post card exchange and we got our first postcard- from Massachusetts!  We took a short break from essay writing to write postcards to different states.  Students had a lot of fun brainstorming ideas to tell a little bit about our state/city, school, and fourth grade!  

In reading groups, we continue to study text features and the structure of nonfiction texts.  It is important that your child read at home every night to further grow and develop their reading skills.  

The Chapter 5 Test over 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication is this Wednesday, 11/15. Chapter 6 begins long division.  Again, with these long, multistep problems, it is important that students know their facts!  

This past week in science, we focused on the different types of rocks and the rock cycle.  Students have vocabulary cards, and the vocabulary test is Wednesday, 11/15.   They can also log onto Quizlet and Pearson for extra practice!  

Other Important Info.
  • A big THANK YOU to all of our veterans!  We appreciate you! 
  • Make sure "Wonder" field trip permission slips are turned in!  This will be a fun trip!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Weekly Update

Students have finished their personal essays this past week, and we will begin our persuasive essays this week!  

In reading groups, we continue to study text features and the structure of nonfiction texts.  It is important that your child read at home every night to further grow and develop their reading skills.  

In Chapter 5, we have learned 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication!  Here is a video showing the traditional method of multiplying big numbers, "turtle style."

In our rock unit, we have learned about the properties of rocks.  Students have vocabulary cards, and the vocabulary test is Wednesday, 11/15.  

Halloween Party
    A big thank you to all the parents who donated items or helped at the Halloween party!  A magic show was the perfect party idea!  Students loved it. 

    We also engaged in a couple of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities this past week!  In one, we tried to build a pumpkin stand out of tape and straws. This stand had to support the weight of a small pumpkin.  In the second, students built a bridge and were competing to make it the the longest and hold the most candy pumpkins.  

    Other Important Info.
    • This Wednesday, 11/8, is early release with dismissal at 1:40.  Please make sure your child knows how they are going home.  
    • The 4th Grade Music Program is thisThursday, November 9th at 7:30 pm at the Lindbergh High School Auditorium.  Students can arrive at 7:15.  When the 2nd Grade Music Program ends at 7:15, the auditorium doors will be opened so that fourth grade students can go directly to the risers on the stage, while families and friends can find seats in the auditorium.  The 4th Grade Music Program is 50's and 60's Rock-n-Roll music.  Students are asked to wear 50's and 60's type clothes.   
    • The Veteran's Day assembly is this Friday at 9am.  
    • Field trip permission slips for our next field trip were sent home.  On Tuesday, November 21st, fourth and fifth grade students will be going to Regal Cinema in Fenton to see the movie, "Wonder!"  We have all 5 of our parent chaperones and they will be emailed this week. 

    Sunday, October 29, 2017

    Weekly Update

    Students have chosen a personal essay topic and are working on their essays.  They are making good progress in this unit!  

    In reading groups, we continue to study text features and the structure of nonfiction texts.  It is important that your child read at home every night to further grow and develop their reading skills.  

    Social Studies/Science
    Students are presenting their Native American projects to the class, and they look awesome!  We start our next unit in science involving rocks this week.  In this unit, we will learn about the different types of rocks, the rock cycle, and weathering and erosion. 

    In Chapter 5, we will be learning 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication!  It is important that your child continues to work on multiplication facts at home.  In this chapter, students may have practice problems coming home on a nightly basis.  

    Other Important Info.
    • Thank you parents for attending conferences this past week.  I enjoyed talking with you all!  
    • Halloween parties are this Tuesday, 10/31 at 2:00-2:45pm.  Before the party, we will have an all-school parade at 1:40pm.  We will change into costumes after lunch, before the parade.  
    • Field trip permission slips for our next field trip were sent home.  On Tuesday, November 21st, fourth and fifth grade students will be going to Regal Cinema in Fenton to see the movie, "Wonder!"  We have all 5 of our parent chaperones and they will be emailed as the field trip date draws near. 
    • The 4th Grade Music Program is on Thursday, November 9th at 7:30 pm at the Lindbergh High School Auditorium.  Students can arrive at 7:15.  When the 2nd Grade Music Program ends at 7:15, the auditorium doors will be opened so that fourth grade students can go directly to the risers on the stage, while families and friends can find seats in the auditorium.  The 4th Grade Music Program is 50's and 60's Rock-n-Roll music.  Students are asked to wear 50's and 60's type clothes.  
    • Students have been fitness testing in PE during the month of October.  Students did an awesome job, and we are so proud of them!  Your child should be bringing home their scores along with a parent letter for your viewing.  Any questions can be directed to Coach Parker.   

    Sunday, October 22, 2017

    Weekly Update

    We started our essay unit with "Essay Boot Camp."  As a class, we wrote a personal essay on ice cream to practice the structure of an essay.  Students then brainstormed topics such as sports, holidays, friends and family members, pets, objects or a favorite book, etc.  This week we will chose a topic and write the thesis for our personal essays.  

    We started our nonfiction unit with a review of text features including the table of contents, headings, subheadings, pictures with captions, maps, diagrams, bold words, and much more!  This week we will study the structure of nonfiction texts.  Texts are organized as either description, order and sequence, compare and contrast, cause and effect, or problem and solution.

    In Chapter 4, we have been multiplying by multidigit numbers.  We have learned a few different strategies, and one of them is partial products.  Here it is:

    The Chapter 4 Test is this Wednesday, October 25th.  

    Social Studies
    We will complete our unit on American Indians this week as we finish our diorama projects.  I can't wait to show you the awesome products here!  

    Babler State Park
    Here's a look at our field trip!  We had a great time learning about the pioneer days!  We rotated to many different stations to learn about the ways of life for the pioneers. From listening to the life of a mountain man to visiting the mercantile to learning about the different clothes the pioneers wore and the jobs that they had to watching a blacksmith make a nail and "J" hook to square dancing to making a "buzz saw" toy to so much more, we had a blast!

    Ability Awareness Day
    On Friday, we had Ability Awareness Day!  Students got to hear about learning disabilities such as Attention Deficit Disorder, sign language, the Easterseals, and prostheses.  

    Other Important Info.
    •  Parent-Teacher Conferences are this week on Monday, October 23rd and Wednesday, October 25th.  
    • There is no school this Friday, October 27th. 
    • The Scholastic Book Fair is up and running this week in the library! 
    • Field trip permission slips for our next field trip were sent home.  On Tuesday, November 21st, fourth and fifth grade students will be going to Regal Cinema in Fenton to see the movie, "Wonder!"  There was not a space on the form for parent chaperones, but we can take up to 5 parents per class.  Please email me if you would like to chaperone this trip.