Sunday, October 29, 2017

Weekly Update

Students have chosen a personal essay topic and are working on their essays.  They are making good progress in this unit!  

In reading groups, we continue to study text features and the structure of nonfiction texts.  It is important that your child read at home every night to further grow and develop their reading skills.  

Social Studies/Science
Students are presenting their Native American projects to the class, and they look awesome!  We start our next unit in science involving rocks this week.  In this unit, we will learn about the different types of rocks, the rock cycle, and weathering and erosion. 

In Chapter 5, we will be learning 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication!  It is important that your child continues to work on multiplication facts at home.  In this chapter, students may have practice problems coming home on a nightly basis.  

Other Important Info.
  • Thank you parents for attending conferences this past week.  I enjoyed talking with you all!  
  • Halloween parties are this Tuesday, 10/31 at 2:00-2:45pm.  Before the party, we will have an all-school parade at 1:40pm.  We will change into costumes after lunch, before the parade.  
  • Field trip permission slips for our next field trip were sent home.  On Tuesday, November 21st, fourth and fifth grade students will be going to Regal Cinema in Fenton to see the movie, "Wonder!"  We have all 5 of our parent chaperones and they will be emailed as the field trip date draws near. 
  • The 4th Grade Music Program is on Thursday, November 9th at 7:30 pm at the Lindbergh High School Auditorium.  Students can arrive at 7:15.  When the 2nd Grade Music Program ends at 7:15, the auditorium doors will be opened so that fourth grade students can go directly to the risers on the stage, while families and friends can find seats in the auditorium.  The 4th Grade Music Program is 50's and 60's Rock-n-Roll music.  Students are asked to wear 50's and 60's type clothes.  
  • Students have been fitness testing in PE during the month of October.  Students did an awesome job, and we are so proud of them!  Your child should be bringing home their scores along with a parent letter for your viewing.  Any questions can be directed to Coach Parker.   

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