Sunday, October 22, 2017

Weekly Update

We started our essay unit with "Essay Boot Camp."  As a class, we wrote a personal essay on ice cream to practice the structure of an essay.  Students then brainstormed topics such as sports, holidays, friends and family members, pets, objects or a favorite book, etc.  This week we will chose a topic and write the thesis for our personal essays.  

We started our nonfiction unit with a review of text features including the table of contents, headings, subheadings, pictures with captions, maps, diagrams, bold words, and much more!  This week we will study the structure of nonfiction texts.  Texts are organized as either description, order and sequence, compare and contrast, cause and effect, or problem and solution.

In Chapter 4, we have been multiplying by multidigit numbers.  We have learned a few different strategies, and one of them is partial products.  Here it is:

The Chapter 4 Test is this Wednesday, October 25th.  

Social Studies
We will complete our unit on American Indians this week as we finish our diorama projects.  I can't wait to show you the awesome products here!  

Babler State Park
Here's a look at our field trip!  We had a great time learning about the pioneer days!  We rotated to many different stations to learn about the ways of life for the pioneers. From listening to the life of a mountain man to visiting the mercantile to learning about the different clothes the pioneers wore and the jobs that they had to watching a blacksmith make a nail and "J" hook to square dancing to making a "buzz saw" toy to so much more, we had a blast!

Ability Awareness Day
On Friday, we had Ability Awareness Day!  Students got to hear about learning disabilities such as Attention Deficit Disorder, sign language, the Easterseals, and prostheses.  

Other Important Info.
  •  Parent-Teacher Conferences are this week on Monday, October 23rd and Wednesday, October 25th.  
  • There is no school this Friday, October 27th. 
  • The Scholastic Book Fair is up and running this week in the library! 
  • Field trip permission slips for our next field trip were sent home.  On Tuesday, November 21st, fourth and fifth grade students will be going to Regal Cinema in Fenton to see the movie, "Wonder!"  There was not a space on the form for parent chaperones, but we can take up to 5 parents per class.  Please email me if you would like to chaperone this trip. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to see that you continued our tradition, and attended Missouri Heritage Day!
