Sunday, October 1, 2017

Weekly Update

A handful of students are finished with their realistic fiction stories and the rest are working hard to revise and edit their narratives!  We have our first writing celebration for our narrative unit this Friday!  Students can wear pajamas and bring a flashlight to celebrate!  

This past week we finished "The Tiger Rising" and made a "graffiti wall" (below) to share our favorite character, favorite part, something we learned, etc.  We also started our next read aloud, "Wonder!"  First, we will be looking at characters, studying Greek and Latin root words, and identifying figurative language.  

The Chapter 3 Test is set for this Thursday, 10/5.  Before then we will review multiples and word problems involving multiplication and division.  Again, it is important that students continue to study multiplication (or division) facts at home so they are quicker and more accurate with their computation.   

 The Chapter 4 Test over ecosystems is this Wednesday, 10/4.   Students can earn extra credit and practice science concepts by completing activities on our online book!  Click on the science textbook below.  After logging in, hover over the "To Do" tab on the right-hand side of the page.  Click on that button, and the activities will pop up.  Hit "I'm done" when finished to get the extra credit!    

Flexible Seating 
    Just check our learning space!  I love that our dry erase table gets so much use! Here, you can see that we use it in math, reading, and writing!  Also, this week we had a bench delivered to our room!  As you will see below, this bench also converts into a table!  

    Other Important Info.

    • Fourth grade students will be headed to Babler State Park on October 11th for Missouri Heritage Days. Please make sure all permission slips and money is turned in as soon as possible.  We have our chaperons for this trip, and they will be emailed by Tuesday. 
    • This week you will receive an email invite from Sign Up Genius to sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences on October 23rd or 25th.  Follow the link in the email to sign up for your conference time slot.
    • Thank you to all families who have sent in materials for our upcoming Native American project in social studies.  If you would still like to donate, we could use: scotch tape, paper towel or toilet paper rolls, shoe boxes, sand paper, modeling clay or Play-Doh, and toothpicks.  

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