Sunday, October 8, 2017

Weekly Update

On Friday, we celebrated our realistic fiction narratives!  Students gave group members awards such as "Leadership with Leads," "Dynamite Dialogue," and "Super Story Arc!"  Students should have brought home a copy of their paper.  Our next unit is essay writing.  We with start with an "essay boot camp" and write a personal essay about something we love.  Then, we will write a persuasive essay.  We will spend a lot of time learning the structure of an essay.   

Students are loving our new read aloud, "Wonder!"  We are studying characters, root words, and identifying figurative language.  

We are now in Chapter 4 and will be multiplying by multi-digit numbers.  Make sure your child continues to study their facts at home.   

Social Studies
We have started our new social studies unit on American Indians.  Right now we are learning about migration and the various regions different tribes lived.  We will start our diorama project this week.  Again, a big thank you to families who have donated items!  If you would still like to send in items, we could use scotch tape, sand paper, modeling clay or Play-Doh, and toothpicks.  

Other Important Info.
  • This Wednesday (10/11) fourth grade students will be headed to Babler State Park for Missouri Heritage Days. Please make sure your child brings a sack lunch and dresses for the weather.  
  • This Friday (10/13) marks the end of first quarter.  It is a half day and no lunch will be served.  Please make sure your child knows how they are going home. 
  • You should have received an email invite from Sign Up Genius to sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences on October 23rd or 25th.  Follow the link in the email to sign up for your conference time slot.  Please let me know if you did not receive that email so we can schedule a conference. 

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